Widespread Augmented Reality

Widespread Augmented Reality
Click on the image to get the Android Augmented Reality Heads up Display

Monday, January 21, 2013

Android, Eclipse, Memory Analyzer Tool (MAT)

Been a little while since I last needed to analyze memory leaks on an Android application written in Java and compiled through Eclipse.

Things have changed in both Eclipse and MAT, so I am listing my current steps here for all to enjoy.

1. Fire up Eclipse Indigo with Java 6 +
2. In Eclipse, Select [Help] | [Install new Software]
3. Add http://download.eclipse.org/mat/1.2/update-site/.
4. Select All []IDE and []Stand Alone
5. In Eclipse top menu bar, select [Window] | [Preferences] | [Android] | [DDMS]
a. HPROF Action: "open in Eclipse"
6. In Eclipse top menu bar, select [Window] | [Preferences] | [Plug-in Development] | [Target Platform]
7. Highlight Active Platform, then press [Edit].
8. Click [Arguments] tab: Type -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError in VM Arguments,[Finish]
9. A heap dump is written on the first Out Of Memory Error.
10. Run project with emulator as the process must be on the local machine.
11. In Eclipse top menu bar, select [Window] | [Open Perspective] | [Other] | [Memory Analysis]
12. From inside the Memory Analysis perspective select [File] | [Acquire Heap Dump]
13. [Configure] | Select HPROF -jmap dump | -jdkhome = C:\Java\jdk1.7.0
14. [Next] | Select HPROF -jmap dump | [Finish]
15. Follow remaining prompts in Eclipse.

Compare and augment the previous steps with BonitaSoft.org

Also, try to perform these steps on a machine greater than an Acer Aspire netbook with 1GB of RAM. Otherwise, the process could take days.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Android - Declaring Static Variables

Because the Eclipse debugger occassionally suggests declaring a variable static to fix a Lint error, I decided to post this link on Java Memory Leaks.

Monday, January 14, 2013

SpiderOnFire is Catching

SpiderOnFire a.k.a. W.A.R. for Widespread Augmented Reality.
Never mind typing in text searches and scrolling through results, then clicking the desired result or what you think is the desired result only to repeat the process all over again many times.
See how cumbersome that last sentence was?
How about just pointing your camera in the direction that you want to go and seeing what is beyond your line of sight? That's it. That's a spider on fire.

  • Spideronfire, the website
  • W.A.R., the Android app
  • Wednesday, January 2, 2013

    W.A.R. - Widespread Augmented Reality

    Imagine leaving your images, comments and content hovering at or above real physical locations. Imagine others nearby interacting with your marks through their cameras. In fact, imagine scanning the horizon or your surroundings with your own mobile camera to reveal the floating marks left by others. Well stop imagining and do it with this app. The possibilities are endless with the sky as the limit. The Android app is in beta at the website SpiderOnFire. One can use the website to place markers at locations without having to be there. The Android app's camera view reveals content beyond your line of site. After testing and adding more features, the app will be published to Google Play with mad props out to MixARE for providing the augmented reality engine.