How? Don't reinvent the wheel: Gather information from the following sites and see what works.
Very cool video
Good luck and enjoy.Nothing fancy, just a personal log with a built in search function so I can recall what is easily forgotten.
Very cool video
Good luck and enjoy.Here is how I did
At first blush, Bootstrap looks like a directory structure that can be copied into c:/xampp/htdocs (this is where I installed XAMPP). So I just downloaded the source code files, unzipped and moved to the c:/xampp/htdocs directory. Did this work right out of the box? No.
That is because, I copied the standard "Hello World" html from Bootstrap into a file called bs1.html and typed
http://localhost/bs1.htmlinto the browser.
c:/xampp/htdocsdirectory before installing.
bower install bootstrapfrom inside the
http://localhost/docs/examples/jumbotron-narrow/index.htmlopens up a nice little template.
http://localhostin your browser should yield: