Widespread Augmented Reality

Widespread Augmented Reality
Click on the image to get the Android Augmented Reality Heads up Display

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Root Amazon Kindle HD 6 Fire tablet

Why? Install Google Play and access that universe of apps.
How? Don't reinvent the wheel: Gather information from the following sites and see what works.
  • Developer Mode: Kindle Fire for Kid
  • Android Debug Bridge (ADB) and files: Bilal El Tayara
  • Root: Android MTK
  • Prevent breaking root: Groovy Post
  • Very cool video

    Good luck and enjoy.

    Tuesday, March 29, 2016

    AsynHttpClient and SpiderOnFire Augmented Reality app

    I am using this code to affect faster uploads without locking the main UI for the app at SpiderOnFire

    Wednesday, March 16, 2016

    Bypass a Password Locked PC

    Recently, a customer became confused when AT&T was assisting her with resetting a password. Why they were resetting a password is a mystery. But the net result was that my customer could no longer login into her PC with the old password nor the new. She was locked out.
    Here is how I helped.
    1. Turn on laptop and hit PF2 to access bios set up.
    2. Change the boot order to have the USB port at the top.
    3. Turn off PC, insert Hiren's boot USB, and then turn on PC.
    4. Boot into Windows Mini XP
    5. Search programs for a Password program that will create a new Administrative account on the PC.
    6. Create the administrative account and turn off the PC.
    7. Turn on the PC, log in to the new administrative account and navigate to User Accounts.
    8. Select the original user account and remove its password.

    Friday, March 11, 2016

    XAMPP and Bootstrap

    After successfully installing an Apache server on your rig (see previous post), now install some webpage templates via Bootstrap

    Here is how I did

    At first blush, Bootstrap looks like a directory structure that can be copied into c:/xampp/htdocs (this is where I installed XAMPP). So I just downloaded the source code files, unzipped and moved to the c:/xampp/htdocs directory. Did this work right out of the box? No.
    That is because, I copied the standard "Hello World" html from Bootstrap into a file called bs1.html and typed

    into the browser.
    Viewing source and debugging, I found that certain files in the directory were not found, so I just moved them to where the HTML expected them to be.
    Kind of clunky, no?
    Yes, so I installed
  • node.js
  • bower
  • and
  • git.
  • To be safe, I navigated to the
    directory before installing.
    Then I ran
    bower install bootstrap
    from inside the
    Now after studying the directory, I found that
    opens up a nice little template.
    How is using Bootstrap any different then just modifying CSS files? I do not yet know. More may be revealed.

    Tuesday, March 8, 2016

    XAMPP on Windows 10

    After installing XAMPP, any attempt to start Apache from the control panel was met with port blocked.
    The solution is to right click and run as administrator. Then click the shell button and type: sc stop w3svc.
    ____________Screen shot shell_____________________________
    Setting environment for using XAMPP for Windows.
    sal@MYA55 c:\xampp
    # sc stop w3svc

    SERVICE_NAME: w3svc
    WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
    SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
    CHECKPOINT : 0x1
    WAIT_HINT : 0x4e20

    sal@MYA55 c:\xampp
    ____________End of screen shot shell_________________
    Now typing
    in your browser should yield: