Widespread Augmented Reality

Widespread Augmented Reality
Click on the image to get the Android Augmented Reality Heads up Display

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

JSON array to PHP with FOR LOOP

Here's an example of the input JSON array:

"dateCreated":"2015-07-09 19:38:46","dateModified":"2016-04-15 15:02:00",

Here is the PHP that will pull out the first 3 records of the tags JSON array. I realize that it would be better to create a PHP array for tags instead

foreach ($tagsarray as $tags) {
            for ($i=1; $i<4; $i++) {
             ${'tagid'.$i} = $tags->id;
             ${'tagname'.$i} = $tags->name;
               ${'taggroup'.$i} = $tags->group;
           //echo "tagname1: ".$tagname1."tagname2: ".$tagname2."tagname3: ".$tagname3."
"; // do nothing after capturing first 3 tags records }
foreach ($tagsarray as $tags) {
            $tagid[] = $tags->id;
            $tagname[] = $tags->name;
            $taggroup[] = $tags->group;
$tagid1 = $tagid[0]; $tagname1 = $tagname[0]; $taggroup1 = $taggroup[0];
$tagid2 = $tagid[1]; $tagname2 = $tagname[1]; $taggroup2 = $taggroup[1];
$tagid3 = $tagid[2]; $tagname3 = $tagname[2]; $taggroup3 = $taggroup[2]; 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Kindle Fire HD 6 Wall Paper Change

I downloaded a photo from an e-mail and somehow it ended up as wallpaper. I found the pesky file in /data/system/user/0/wallpaper and deleted it.