Widespread Augmented Reality

Widespread Augmented Reality
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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Dual Booting Kali Linux and Windows 10 on Spare Lenovo Laptop

Do the following on the PC or laptop that you intend to use in dual boot.
But its good idea to first practice on a disposable one.
Here is screen shot of my folder with all the necessary components.

1. Make a Kali Linux bootable USB with Kali Linux distribution.

2. Follow these instructions.

3. Hold the Shift key and click Restart from a shutdown button on your Windows desktop.

This is doing the same thing as going to Recovery Settings | Advanced Startup | Reboot | Advanced Startup

Here are my steps while following the instructions from the above links.

1. Using the USB creator program, create two USB sticks: One with a Live ISO; One with an install ISO
2. Insert the live USB stick. Then hold Shift key + Restart to boot from live usb stick
3. Run gParted from inside the live OS.
4. Resize the free unallocated space AFTER the Windows partition to approximately 100,000 mb(100GB) not 1000 mb (1GB).
5. Click apply and wait for 5 minutes or more.
6. Shut down machine and remove live USB.
7. Turn on machine into Windows and insert the install USB.
8. Then hold Shift key + Restart to boot from install usb stick.
9. Follow guided install instructions.
10. When finished remove the install USB and restart the machine.

Now one of three things should happen.

1. You get GRUB bootloader screen with option to boot either Kali or Windows.

2. You boot right back into Windows 10

3. Nothing happens

If you automatically boot into Windows 10, then you will have to SHIFT & Restart.

From the Windows "Choose and Option" panel, select "Use a device" | kali or if you want Windows boot normally.

Should #3 occur, remove the power cord from the laptop or PC, wet the socket with saliva, blow on it and then kiss your machine good bye.

If you have a successful Kali installation, you must recognize that Linux gets it programs over the internet from


This file may not have the required URLs

If that be the case, then you will need to run the following from a command line

sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list≪EOF
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

Using a text editor, check /etc/apt/sources.list to make sure there are URLs.


sudo apt update

sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo systemctl reboot

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

More About Minecraft Server on Home Computer

Well, my client connection keeps timing out. I am trying the following options; however, it could just be my internet connection.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Set up Minecraft Server on Home Computer.

Host a minecraft server on your home computer that is connected to the internet and invite friends to play on your server
through the internet from their own computers.
Executive Summary:
In order to open your computer to the internet, you must first enable port forwarding on the router and then open the port in
in the firewall of the physical computer.
Detailed Steps:
1. Install Java and follow instructions to install.
2. Download the Minecraft server
3. Unzip or install what is downloaded from Minecraft. Remember what directory contains all the files.
4. Open the EULA file and change the line of text to "eula=true". Save file.
5. Open a Windows command line and type ipconfig and note the IPv4 address and the Default Gateway address.
6. Open server.properties in the downloaded Minecraft server directory.
7. Note server-port=25565, you will need this when logging into router.
8. Log into the router by entering the Default Gateway address into your browser.
9. admin, password is usually the login credentials.
10. Navigate to port forwarding and click add Virtual servers/Port Fowarding.
11. Enter 25565 for all port fields and enter the IPv4 address in the IP field.
12. Go back to Windows and locate Windows Defender Firewall.
13. Click Advanced settings.
14. Click Inbound rules | New Rule
15. Select Port, enter 25565, select TCP, allow all connections and save as Minecraft TCP
16. Click Inbound rules | New Rule
17. Select Port, enter 25565, select UDP, allow all connectinos and save as Minecraft UDP
18. Repeat steps 14 - 17 for Outbound rules.
Double click the server executable in the Minecraft Directory.
Get your computer's IP address with Whats My IP
Start the Minecraft client on another computer connected to the internet, select multiplayer, add server and type the either the IPv6 or IPv4 address.
What ever works.
Good luck.