I am coding a delete screen for the Android W.A.R. app. Get it here at Google Play before I break it.
Meanwhile, in order to list the geotags that can be deleted, I will need a list of geotags with "id" as the key.
So first, I use an Async task to make the HTTP call to my server and select geotags by "id". I will not show that proprietary code here, but I can show the Async's
onPostExecute method where the following occurs:
Receive a table with two columns: id and title
Populate a HashMap with the columns named: "id" and "title"
Assign the HashMap values to an ArrayList
Send the ArrayList to a clickable ListView that uses android.R.layout.simple_list_item_2
Convert the ArrayList row back to a HashMap to retrieve "Id".
There must be a more elegant way to do this, but you get what you pay for. I do this for fun and for free.
Just the bare bones...
protected void onPostExecute(String[][] result)
final ArrayList
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