sudo ldconfig
sudo hackrf_info
sudo apt-get install gnuradio gr-osmosdr gr-gsm
sudo ldconfig
sudo gnuradio-companion
The following construct kept generating errors in the Python code that alternated among gain_mode0, irq_balance0 or dc_offset NOT FOUND. I installed GNURadio with sudo apt-get install gnuradio gr-osmsdr gr-gsm.
Mind you that Osmocom source generated okay but not Osmocom Sink. After repeatedly failing to build gr-osmosdr from source, I went directly to the file "/usr/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks/osmosdr_sink.block.yml" and removed all the code between:
"make: |
args="numchan=" + str(${nchan}) + " " + ${args}
"documentation: |-
The osmocom sink block:"
Then I put back only the following lines:
% if context.get('nchan')() > 0:
self.${id}.set_center_freq(${freq0}, 0)
self.${id}.set_freq_corr(${corr0}, 0)
self.${id}.set_gain(${gain0}, 0)
self.${id}.set_if_gain(${if_gain0}, 0)
self.${id}.set_bb_gain(${bb_gain0}, 0)
self.${id}.set_antenna(${ant0}, 0)
self.${id}.set_bandwidth(${bw0}, 0)
% endif
- set_sample_rate(${sample_rate})
- set_center_freq(${freq0}, 0)
- set_freq_corr(${corr0}, 0)
- set_gain(${gain0}, 0)
- set_if_gain(${if_gain0}, 0)
- set_bb_gain(${bb_gain0}, 0)
- set_antenna(${ant0}, 0)
- set_bandwidth(${bw0}, 0)
And I set defaults in "/usr/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks/osmosdr_sink.block.yaml" to what I would normally use.
Now this construct interacts with a Harbor Breeze ceiling fan using a file that contains the captured signal between the remote and the fan.
Oh joy.
on Kali Linux after trying [sudo apt-get install gnuradio gr-osmosdr gr-gsm] I get an error message: "E: unable to locate package gr-osmodsr" -- just figured out what's wrong by typing this: I spelled it wrong. ITS "sdr" not "dsr"
ReplyDeleteAlways check spelling.
Thanks for the tutorial!!!
Can't install libhackrf_dev? unable to locate package libhackrf_dev? it's actually spelled "libhackrf-dev"
ReplyDeleteuse [ sudo apt-get install hackrf libhackrf-dev libhackrf0 ]