"Those vaccinated should take the same precautions, which include social distancing, wearing a mask, and washing hands frequently. The vaccine provides only 50% protection after 14 days and 95% protection after the second dose. Therefore, an individual is never 100% protected. Additionally, it is unknown how long the protection from the vaccine lasts. Finally, some individuals may be unable to receive the vaccine for various health reasons and will remain at risk until herd immunity is achieved"
Source: https://patientsafetymovement.org/covid-19-vaccine-information/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1PiLh-Pg8wIVgD6tBh120ASLEAAYASAAEgKNa_D_BwE
1. Does the "vaccine" promote herd immunity?
2. Is the "vaccine" preventing infection or only relieving symptoms?
3. Do masks and distance in open air prevent the virus from entering the body?
4. Why are there vaccine and mask mandates if answers to 1, 2 and 3 are unclear?
5. Who is paying for and profiting from the vaccine?
6. Who is paying for the loss of livelihood and productivity
7. Where are the causation vs correlation studies?
8. Is the reaction to the pandemic worse than the pandemic itself?
9. Since when is the risk of death not part of life?
10. Do we really believe that this "vaccine" regiment is the ONLY way?
May I just note that everyone is an expert until they are wrong.
Disregard this if you are content with living "better safe than sorry".
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