Widespread Augmented Reality

Widespread Augmented Reality
Click on the image to get the Android Augmented Reality Heads up Display

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Python Brute Force Solution to Euler Project Problem 60

My cumbersome solution to https://projecteuler.net/problem=60 but I'll take it. I cheated by setting the loop limits to 10000.

import math
from math import sqrt
def isPrime(n):
prime_flag = 0
if(n > 1):
for i in range(2, int(sqrt(n)) + 1):
if (n % i == 0):
prime_flag = 1
if (prime_flag == 0):
return True
return False
return False
# main sequence
concatprime = False
start = 2
for a in range(start, 10000):
if isPrime(a) and concatprime == False:
for b in range(a+1, 10000):
if isPrime(b):
ab = str(a)+str(b)
ba = str(b)+str(a)
if isPrime(int(ab)) and isPrime(int(ba)):
for c in range(b+1, 10000):
if isPrime(c):
ac = str(a)+str(c)
ca = str(c)+str(a)
bc = str(b)+str(c)
cb = str(c)+str(b)
if isPrime(int(ac)) and isPrime(int(ca)) and isPrime(int(bc)) and isPrime(int(cb)):
for d in range(c+1, 10000):
if isPrime(d):
da = str(d)+str(a)
ad = str(a)+str(d)
db = str(d)+str(b)
bd = str(b)+str(d)
dc = str(d)+str(c)
cd = str(c)+str(d)
if isPrime(int(da)) and isPrime(int(ad)) and isPrime(int(db)) and isPrime(int(bd)) and isPrime(int(dc)) and isPrime(int(cd)):
for e in range(d+1, 10000):
if isPrime(e):
ea = str(e)+str(a)
ae = str(a)+str(e)
eb = str(e)+str(b)
be = str(b)+str(e)
ec = str(e)+str(c)
ce = str(c)+str(e)
ed = str(e)+str(d)
de = str(d)+str(e)
if isPrime(int(ea)) and isPrime(int(ae)) and isPrime(int(eb)) and isPrime(int(be)) and isPrime(int(ec)) and isPrime(int(ce)) and isPrime(int(ed)) and isPrime(int(de)):
concatprime = True
#start = 10000

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Python - Count Winning Poker Hands in File

import time
start = time.time()
pokerhands = open("p054_poker.txt", "r+")
#pokerhands = open("p054_poker_hand.txt", "r+")
print("File to read: ", pokerhands.name)
# Read single line in file
two_hands = pokerhands.readline().strip()
#---------------- functions -----------
def convertPic(c):
if c == "T":
c = 10
if c == "J":
c = 11
if c == "Q":
c = 12
if c == "K":
c = 13
if c == "A":
c = 14
return c
def stripNums(player):
nums = []
for card in player:
return nums
def stripSuits(player):
suits = []
for card in player:
return suits
def isFlush(s):
if([s[0]]*len(s) == s):
return True
return False
def isRoyal(nums):
if (nums == [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]):
return True
return False
def isStraight(nums):
if sorted(nums) == list(range(min(nums), max(nums)+1)) or sorted(nums) == [2,3,4,5,14]:
return True
def lowStraight(nums):
if sorted(nums) == [2, 3, 4, 5, 14]:
return True
def countSimilar(cards):
#see groupcards.py
likecnt = 1
groupings = []
grouped = []
for index in range(0, len(cards)):
if index < 4:
if cards[index] == cards[index+1]:
if likecnt > 1:
grouped = [cards[index], likecnt]
likecnt = 1
grouped = []
if likecnt > 1:
grouped = [cards[index], likecnt]
# no combos
if len(groupings) == 0:
hand = 1
high = max(cards)
# one combo of either pair, three or four
if len(groupings) == 1:
if groupings[0][1] == 4:
hand = 8
high = groupings[0][0]
if groupings[0][1] == 3:
hand = 4
high = groupings[0][0]
if groupings[0][1] == 2:
hand = 2
high = groupings[0][0]
# two combos - two pair or full house
if len(groupings) == 2:
pairs = []
threes = 0
for g in groupings:
if g[1] == 2:
if g[1] == 3:
threes = g[0]
# two pairs
if threes == 0:
hand = 3
high = max(pairs)
# full house with high of 3 combo
hand = 7
high = threes
result = [hand, high]
return result
def calcHand(player):
hand = 1
high = 1
nums = stripNums(player)
suits = stripSuits(player)
#check for flush first
if isFlush(suits) == True:
hand = 6
high = max(nums)
if isRoyal(nums) == True:
hand = 10
high = 15
if isStraight(nums) == True:
hand = 9
high = max(nums)
if lowStraight(nums) == True:
hand = 9
high = max(nums)
#fall through to all other possible groupings including none
#scored 1,2,4,3,7,8
if hand == 1 and high == 1:
hand = countSimilar(nums)[0]
high = countSimilar(nums)[1]
return [hand, high]
def nextHigh(player, high):
#get next high if hands identical
nums = stripNums(player)
newnums = [i for i in nums if i != high]
return max(newnums)
# ------ start main
rec_cnt = 0
player1wins = 0
player2wins = 0
while two_hands:
cardarray = two_hands.split(" ")
player1 = cardarray[0:5]
player1hand = calcHand(player1)[0]
player1high = calcHand(player1)[1]
player2 = cardarray[5:10]
player2hand = calcHand(player2)[0]
player2high = calcHand(player2)[1]
# compare and count wins
if player1hand > player2hand:
if player1hand < player2hand:
if player1hand == player2hand:
if player1high > player2high:
if player1high < player2high:
if player1high == player2high:
if nextHigh(player1, player1high) > nextHigh(player2, player2high):
############ continue reading file #######
# use readline() to read next line
two_hands = pokerhands.readline().strip()
end = time.time()
print("execution time : ", (end-start) * 10**3, "ms")
# print scores and close opened file
print("record_cnt = "+str(rec_cnt))
print("player1 wins = "+str(player1wins))
print("player2 wins = "+str(player2wins))

File to read: p054_poker.txt
execution time : 627.8073787689209 ms
record_cnt = 1000
player1 wins = 376
player2 wins = 624
[Program finished]

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Updating Kali NetHunter on Nexus 7 Android Tablet

My last posts regarding Nethunter were back in August and October 2018.

  • Opened Nethunter terminal
  • cd /etc/apt
  • nano sources.list
  • FYI: path on Android root directory is /data/local/nhsystem/kali-armhf/etc/apt/sources.list
  • http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
  • sudo apt update
  • Got KEYEXPIRED error
  • apt-key list | grep "expired"
  • apt-key list
  • apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 7D8D0BF6
  • sudo apt update
  • Now I can run "sudo apt install netdiscover". Beats downloading a Google Play network mapping app with ads and other neat stuff.