Widespread Augmented Reality

Widespread Augmented Reality
Click on the image to get the Android Augmented Reality Heads up Display

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Update to Google Maps API Suddenly Exceeding Quota

Follow these links:
  • The Google Geocoding API
  • Geocoding Strategies
  • The key (no pun intended) here is whether you will use a browser key or a server key. Since my PHP script is using file-get-contents($requestURL), where $requestURL might look like this


    I will create and copy the server key from the

    Now I am still trying to figure out where to place this code in the PHP/HTML/Javasript page. You'd think that

    would work. But not necessarily so. Stay tuned.

    Thursday, July 9, 2015

    Google Maps API

    Last night while testing the features of SpiderOnFire, I found that step 2 Mark stopped working. After adding an echo,I realized that my call to the maps API using the clever key "abcdefg" stopped working after years of service.

    A quick visit to google developers console allowed me to properly define a key associated with this project: Widespread Augmented Reality

    Get one for yourself be following these steps:

  • Find APIs&Auth in left pane
  • Select APIs
  • Create key for browser
  • Select credentials in left pane to verify
  • Copy key into your web page code
  • Example:
    define("MAPS_HOST", "maps.google.com");
    define("KEY", "AIzaSyC6Fhp2Q78tcAf3FVmkY--xxxxxxxxx");
    $base_url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=" ;
       $location = $_POST['latlng'];
       $location = substr($location,1,-1);
       $location = str_replace(" ","",$location); 
       $emd_url =  "&sensor=false" ;
       $request_url = $base_url . $location . $emd_url;
       $jsoncontents = file_get_contents($request_url) ;
       $decodedjson = json_decode($jsoncontents);
       $formattedaddy= $decodedjson->results[0] -> formatted_address;