Widespread Augmented Reality

Widespread Augmented Reality
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Sunday, April 11, 2021

5G, Mobile Apps and Google's WebView

The goals of any self respecting industry are to increase sales, reduce production costs, and eliminate the need for customer support.  5G or the public perception of 5G can hit all three.

5G should render mobile hardware less significant, because most of the data processing can be done on the cloud also known as the web.  In the early stages of smart phones, mobile apps asynchronously downloaded data for processing, because internet speeds were not practical for transferring data back and forth from the internet server.

As internet speeds approach zero latency with 5G, mobile apps should be able to receive web data at acceptable speeds.  As a result, personal phone and PC hardware will become less relevant and save a lot of headache for manufacturers and retailers.  Personal computer and phone retail sales operate on relatively slim margins and with lousy customer support options (try contacting your vendor for help).  Personal experience at ground level retail led me to this conclusion but some may disagree.

Nevertheless, promoting the promise of 5G, the personal computing industry can drive sales with cheaper devices and centralize support by moving the processing hardware to the cloud or web.

Moreover, software development costs can be reduced by combining mobile and web development with the enhancement of Google's mobile Webview layout. This application can make internet browser data match the look and feel of the overall mobile UI (user interface).

As the developer of W.A.R., I have begun to rethink presenting the Webview UI directly from my web server where phone specific hardware like the GPS, accelerometer, magnetometer and camera are not needed.

So far this has greatly reduced development time, as I do not have to worry about background threads and memory management when I simply want to display a list of data points that will likely not change as result of the phone's hardware sensors.

For example, this page is both web and mobile friendly. http://spideronfire.com/commenttags.php.

Enter the handle "s33me".


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